The following are formal partners of Phoenix Recovery Support Services that provide essentials that strengthen the foundations of recovery for our participants. Thank you to our partners.
Life Skills Educational - Vocational
- CRCC/RCO - Provide Recovery Support Services
- Above and Beyond Family Center - Substance Use Assessment & Treatment
- Greater Chicago Food Depository - Job Training
- Growing Home - Job Training
- GreenBax Health Solutions - Healthcare/MAT Services
- Catholic Charities Welfare to Work - Job Training
- YMCA Training Alliance of Chicago - GED & Computer Training Problem
- City Colleges of Chicago - Provide Free GED Classes
- Safer Foundation - Provide Job Placement Support and Mental Health Assessment & Treatment
- CARA Foundation - Job Training / Job Placement
- Westside Authority - Job Training / Job Placement
Mental Health - Assessment & Treatment
- Cook County Hospital - Emergency Care & Medical Care
- CCH Women's & Children's HIV Program - HIV Primary Care Center
- Planned Parenthood - Pregnancy Options, Counseling & Testing
- Mt. Sinai Hospital - Provides Emergency Psychiatric Care
- Mile Square CMH - Adult therapy & Prescriptions
- Thresholds - Therapy Services Assessments & Treatment & MAT Services
Housing Placement Sub/Non-Subsidized
- Cook County Housing Authority - Provides Housing Application Assistance for Qualification for Section 8 Opportunities
- Heartland Alliance - Referrals for Apartments
- Housing and Urban Development - Provides Access to Subsidized Housing Listings
- Neighborhood Housing Services - Provides Housing Listings
- Senior Housing Program - Provide Independent Living Program
Assessment & Treatment & MAT Services
- Vision House - Provides Housing and Shelter for HIV Positive Clients as well as Mental Health-Assessment and Treatment
- Gateway - Substance Abuse Treatment, Detox & MAT Services
- Loretto Hospital - Provides Substance Abuse Treatment, Detox and MAT Service
- Haymarket Center - Substance Abuse Treatment, Detox & MAT Services
- Access Family Health Center - MAT Services
- Family Guidance Center - MAT Services
Our Affiliates

ROSC (Recovery Orientated System of Care) is a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that is person-centered and builds on the strengths and resilience of individuals, families, and communities to achieve abstinence and improved health, wellness, and quality of life for those with or at risk of alcohol and drug problems, and other behavioral health issues.

RCOCRCC (Chicago Recovering Communities Coalition) is a peer driven and peer led Recovery Support Organization, which strives to make a difference in people’s lives by increasing public awareness of alcohol and drug dependency and mental health services. We put a face on recovery and provide recovery support services. CRCC provides prevention and intervention training in the community; and links individuals with resources to support them in maintaining long term recovery.

NARR (National Alliance for Recovery Residences) is a 501-c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding the availability of well-operated, ethical and supportive recovery housing. We have developed the most widely referenced national standard for the operation of recovery residences. We work with and support thirty state affiliate organizations. NARR and these organizations collectively support over 25,000 persons in addiction recovery who are living in over 2,500 certified recovery residences throughout the United States.

IAEC (Illinois Association of Extended Care) is committed to ensuring that quality residential extended care facilities are readily available throughout the State of Illinois and that staff are professionally trained to meet and exceed the unique and challenging needs of the chemically dependent men and women for whom they serve.