Change must start from the individual. And the individual must want and feel ready to make such change.
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Our Results FY 2023


Referrals Provided


Men & Women Served


Overall Completion Rate (%)


Remained Abstinent (%)


Completion Rate 60 days - 90 days (%)


Completion Rate 90 days to 6 months (%)


Completion Rate 6 months to 9 months (%)


9 months to 12 months (%)


Greater than 12 months (%)

Resident Testimonials

"Phoenix has given me the tools I need to work with.  They’ve given me proper guidance and assisted me with health insurance, transportation, food, clothing and more.  Having to do the recovery planner has helped me with time preparation.  The groups here have really given me hope and make me feel like I’m not alone.  I have gained new friends who support me and one another.  I no longer isolate.  Instead, I find someone to talk about things with.  Phoenix has helped me with sponsorship and meeting attendance.  The staff here have given me their undivided attention and their best efforts.  Being at Phoenix has slowly but surely given me motivation.  What really sets Phoenix Recovery apart from other recovery facilities is that it feels like a family here.  Even though I do not wish to go through recovery all over again, if needed, I know that this is the right place for an alcoholic like me, to get my life back on track."
-Jaime M.

"Phoenix has been a welcomed part of my recovery. I’ve never lived in a recovery home before. Having a home at Phoenix has not cost me anything. The room is very nice and comfortable including a closet, ceiling fan, and air conditioner. Let alone being furnished, it also included a television and refrigerator. I think the entire set up is working. I came in with the belief that these folks were here to help me. The format and procedures seem to work. The staff have gained my trust. I have become teachable and learned tolerance for others. Using a planner has helped me understand the importance of having a daily agenda. It has also strengthened my memory. Watching other people that are serious about their recovery and how they sustain and then in reverse asking myself the same questions for there goes I. I’ve begun practicing principles, working on myself, exercising humility, open-mindedness, honesty, selflessness, sharing, and caring. I now understand that It’s not always going to be easy, but it’s worth it. I would recommend Phoenix. It has really kept me in tune with life on life’s terms and what to expect at different times in my recovery. Phoenix has been a breath of fresh air. I have a lot of thankfulness for God’s mercy." - Raymona

"My experience has been amazing. I like everything about the facility. The staff is amazing. I’ve developed skills to bring my anxiety down. I’ve learned how to effectively replace my loneliness, how to save money, and how to prioritize money saving. The sense of community is amazing. We help each other in every way possible. I have humbled myself by developing the habit of making phone calls to women in recovery when I need support. I plan to continue attending meetings, working with a sponsor, staying in contact with Phoenix, and using the resources provided by staff members. If I had to describe Phoenix in one word, I’d describe it as safe. I feel more optimistic about my sobriety and my future. I feel more positive about my recovery. Structure is what I needed most in the beginning of my recovery. My progress has been enhanced by staff explaining the outcomes of relapsing and staying sober. To sum up my experience, it has been amazing. Without the staff and structure of Phoenix, I don’t know where I’d be right now in my recovery." - Lydia

"Phoenix Recovery Home has given me my life back.  They have given me back both my dignity and self-esteem.  Phoenix was and still is my umbrella, my safe place to continue to stay sober.  The facility is very welcoming, having a bed, refrigerator, microwave, and a safe place to lay my head down.  Being able to cook really made it feel like home.  The staff here have been trained very well to help me get all of my documents.  The recovery planner has helped me plan a more effective schedule for my day which I had forgotten how to do.  They helped me with recovery education, AA meetings, life skills, home improvement, and building a sober community that I never had before.  They created a new family for me, relationships that I believe will last a lifetime.  I’ve discovered that I’m not a bad person when I’m sober.  I’m willing to give back what was given to me.  Making meetings and scheduling my time are strategies that I’ve learned here.  The encouragement that I’ve received has given me hope and dreams again.  Everyone here has given me the support I needed when I couldn’t see it.  The way I was living my life was all wrong.  Phoenix is my first and last recovery home.  It can save your life because it did mine."
-Salvatore M.