The Benefits of Recovery Home Living

What is a Recovery Home?

Often a person new to recovery will want or need a bridge between rehab and going back to the community. Remember, the old environment is where the former person with a substance use disorder was part of the substance use/abuse seeking community. Before living dependently, many need time to practice the skills needed to obtain and maintain their personal recovery. Recovery Homes provide just that, a place for practical application of the skills needed to maintain a life free from alcohol and drugs. 

Often, Recovery Homes are operated by individuals with lived experience who are actively living a productive life free from alcohol and drugs. Their responsibility is to provide safe, clean, structured housing for an individual to learn the skills necessary to sustain their recovery, assist with obtaining employment (or to obtain income that will allow for Independent Living) and assist with obtaining permanent housing that is conducive to recovery. 

Everyone who enters the home has responsibilities. Number #1 being they have the desire to get and stay clean and recovery. Second, they should be willing to follow the rules of the program. Finally, they should, in time, be willing to help others in the Program and in Recovery.

Benefits of Phoenix Recovery
Home Program: Recovery Home Living

Most patients work extremely hard in treatment. They do so because they have the motivation and desire to reclaim the life alcohol and drugs have taken away from them. At the end of treatment, the doors will open, and the patient is free to apply what their counselors have taught them. However, not every exiting patient feels ready to return to their community. Sometimes, the individual needs assistance in making that transition. That’s where the Recovery Home proves invaluable. Here are a few of the benefits you can expect from Phoenix Recovery Home:

  • Safe, Clean Recovery Living Environment
  • Peer to Peer Recovery
  • Same Day Admission
  • Length of Stay Based on Need
  • State Licensed Facility
  • Credentialed Staff
  • Recovery Network Development
  • Recovery Education Classes
  • Life Skills Classes
  • 12 Step Meetings - Onsite
  • 12 Step Meetings – Offsite
  • Career Development
  • Employment Assistance and Placement 
  • Transportation Assistance
  • Housing Assistance
  • Recreational Facilities On-Site
  • Apartment Style Living with Roommates
  • Cost-Sliding Scale
  • No One is Denied Service Due to the Inability to Pay

Recovery homes are safe spaces that exist to offer comfort to the individual who needs more time to heal.

Why Phoenix Recovery Home?

  • Structured living – After months/years living without structure, the Recovery Home re-introduces structure into ones life.
  • Building support – Residents can build new relationships and have the opportunity to develop a Recovery Network to aid in the recovery process.
  • Protection – Provides a safe and clean sober living environment that offers residence a home to put into practice the living skills needed for Recovery.
  • Privacy – Residents get a chance to continue recovery without the scrutiny of family, friends, and other outside influences.

*For more information about our services, contact Phoenix Recovery.